Traffic Counts Roadway Search
Enter a few characters in the form below and then click the Search button to search for a street name containing those characters. If you search on ten, you may get results not just for Tennessee Street, but also for Mountbatten, Tennessee Capital, and so on. Capitalization is not important. For instance, searching on either tennessee or Tennessee will retrieve all records for Tennessee Street. But spelling is important: spelling Tennessee as Tenesee (one "n") may not produce the results you want. If you're not sure of the spelling, you can use the percent (%) character as a wildcard. Be prepared for some surprises, though. Searching on t%n%e might find not only Tennessee Street, but also Blair Stone, Executive Center, and so on.
The search covers not just the Roadway Name column, but also the Section. This enables you to find Tennessee Street, for example, even if it's only mentioned as an intersecting street.
Note that each row of the results represents just a portion of a particular street, which is usually not the entire street length. Instead, a segment runs from one intersection to another. Each page of the listing shows up to 20 segments at a time; if the results include more than 20 segments, you can move back and forth through all pages using the little navigation controls below the search box.
Important: If you haven't already seen it, please visit the page of general information about what's shown in this listing.