Register Your Neighborhood
The City of Tallahassee recognizes that neighborhoods and individuals have an interest in participating in many planning and development issues that may have an impact on their neighborhoods. The City's Neighborhood Affairs Division maintains a Neighborhood Association Database that lists both City Neighborhood and Homeowner Associations, and even crime watch groups, that have voluntarily registered to be in the database. Information in the database includes names of neighborhood associations, current presidents and officers, mailing and email addresses, contact numbers and neighborhood boundaries.
The Neighborhood Association database is used by City departments and other organizations to identify neighborhoods that may be affected by City proposed or ongoing projects, programs or services. The database provides neighborhood organizations and individuals with a greater opportunity to participate as early as possible in the decisions which affect their area of interest.
Registration of your neighborhood association is strictly voluntary. To register, simply fill out the form below. The form will submit to the Neighborhood Services Division, and you will be contacted once it is entered into the Association database. Please note: this form can also be used by neighborhoods already registered on the database to provide updated information on officers and membership.