Tree Permit
How the potential removal of a protected tree is regulated depends on whether the overall development project requires an environmental management permit (EMP). If a project requires an EMP and proposes tree removal, then the tree removal would be an added component of the EMP. If a project does not require an EMP and proposes tree removal, then the property owner must apply for a tree permit. No more than 10 trees may be removed through a single tree permit.
The City's tree preservation ordinance defines protected trees according to both their species and size. It defines several reasons a protected tree might be approved for removal, including if it resolves a safety hazard, If it prevents the disruption of public services, if it would prevent the spread of disease or pests, if it would be consistent with good forestry practices, if it would assure a reasonable use of the property, and if it is needed for the construction of essential improvements. The Tallahassee Land Development Code manages tree removal through a system of credits and debits. Credits are allowed for trees that are preserved or planted, while debits are assessed for trees that are removed. Tree credits and tree debits represent the planting or preservation versus the taking of a tree. Removal of protected trees requires compensation. Tree compensation is determined using tree debits and tree credits. Debits cannot be greater than credits. A tree permit documents the required debits and credits and defines the approved scope of tree removal.
Project Details
- Potential tree removal at larger projects will be addressed through the EMP. Therefore, stand alone tree permits would typically be requested by smaller projects, or existing sites without new development that are requesting the removal of a tree.
- The key project information that must be provided includes a site map with the tree location(s), the tree species, the tree size, the number of trees proposed for removal, and the compensation method.
Submittal Requirements
Completed tree permit application form.
Tree permits are reviewed by staff, who strictly follow the standards in the adopted tree preservation ordinance.
The applicant will be notified electronically when the tree permit is available for download from the ePlan Review in a .pdf file.
Not applicable.
Information Sheets and Checklists
Document Submission Requirements and Naming Conventions