Permit Dashboards
Our permit dashboards provide an interactive, user friendly summary of building permits that are in process, that were issued in the last week, and that were issued year to date. Our goal with the dashboards is to present permit data in a way that lets citizens see big picture trends, but that also lets you zoom in on a specific project. Links to the dashboards are provided below.
New Permits Issued This Year
Pending Permits
Weekly Permits
As you explore the dashboards, keep in mind that they’re interactive. For example, the weekly permits dashboard lets you dig into several layers of data. The bottom pie chart on the right displays the number of issued building permits by type, with commercial permits shown by the blue slice of the pie chart. When you select the blue slice, the pie chart above it then provides a new, more detailed breakdown of the various types of commercial permits. At the same time, the map at the left now shows the location of the commercial permits. Selecting any of the project specific dots in the map at the left does two things. First, it provides a pop up box showing details of that specific development. Second, all of the information at the top of the dashboard becomes specific to the individual project. The dashboards are updated weekly, so they provide a real time picture of development activity throughout Tallahassee.